Even though everything started three years earlier, it was not until 1995 that an Editor in Chief was named. In a press release issued on May 18th, 1995, it was stated that, in the early years of business, a small comic studio such as Dark Myth Productions, did not need an Editor in Chief since it was a ‘work for hire’ environment. Having left the freelance atmosphere to produce material on something called the ‘World Wide Web,’ it was felt that an EiC would be a ‘must have.’ The Press release farther stated that published author and editor, Randy Lee Walker, would be named Dark Myth Productions ‘FIRST’ Editor in Chief.
During Walker’s one year term as Editor in Chief, he headed only one project, Dark Myth’s top project, a 188 paged graphic novel entitled, ‘Lifesigns,’ During this same period, the creative team produced their e-Comic (or Cyber-Comic), ‘M-Team,’ under S.M. Morton’s direction. Chief Walker maintained a watchful eye on the ‘Lifesigns’ project until completion a year later. Shortly after finishing, Chief Walker left Dark Myth Productions.
Before the public announcement of Randy Lee Walker’s departure was even made, the new Editor in Chief had already signed a contract. It came as no surprise that S.M. Morton was named Dark Myth’s 2nd EiC. Morton had captured a few eyes with her work on the ‘M-Team’ and now in the Chief’s seat, she quickly went to work on the follow up to ‘Lifesigns,’ a 12 issue mini series entitled, ‘M-Squad and the Apocalytes.’
As one of her first acts as Editor in Chief, S.M. Morton signed artist Kyle D. Dobbs to the crew. The hiring of Dobbs marked the reign of a brand new creative team that came to be known as the ‘Horsemen.’ S.M. Morton headed Dark Myth for two and a half years. Under her term, S.M. oversaw several projects like, ‘M-Squad and the Apocalytes,’ ‘Sorrow,’ and ‘Ayot Nom’ (which marked her last project as Editor in Chief).
In 1998, S.M. Morton stepped down so she could spend more time with her son. She was allowed to choose her successor. After a week of screening possible candidates with the executive board, a new EiC was found.
Staff writer Joshua C. Benton became the third Editor in Chief of Dark Myth Productions. This was a time of major dispute. While Chief Benton began his duties as EiC, there were private appeals in the background. Some felt that Charles Lawson Jr. should have been named Editor in Chief. The appeals continued for a number months after Benton’s promotion and halted only after Lawson left the company.
Benton worked alongside the executive board, encouraging the company to return to its darker roots. He was involved with their next book, ‘The Hunters-Xydus,’ as the scripter. As Benton continued his involvement with the ‘Hunters’ storyline, he was promoted in 1999 to Executive Assistant, leaving the position of Editor in Chief open once again. Lacie Montoya stepped up to the plate as the fourth EiC and received the highest score ever earned in the Editor in Chief Test (the record still holds today).
In June of 1999, after a deal with a nightclub fell through, Dark Myth Productions was forced to close its doors. The company lay dormant for eleven months, until its return in 2000 as ‘New Myth Entertainment’ and Lacie Montoya returned to her position as Editor in Chief. In 2001, she stepped down when her husband David resigned as Chairperson of New Myth Entertainment and they prepared for the birth of their first child.
In March of 2001, the new Chairperson, Rebecca C. Lofgren, named longtime friend Samantha Amador as the fifth Editor in Chief of what was called the ‘Renewed New Myth Entertainment.’ Chief Amador was partly responsible for helping New Myth leave traditional publication and return solely to the web. In the first month of her term as EiC, a new website was launched and, for the first time, offered more then just e-Comics. The site became more like an E-Zine, offering updates, news, contests, stories and (of course) e-Comics.
Amador was involved in turning out the comics ‘Broken,’ and the now renowned series, ‘Suicide Drive.’ For the next fifteen months, Chief Amador participated in several updates on the website. Chief Amador was relieved of her duties in 2003, when New Myth Entertainment and Com 1 Incorporated could not reach an agreement on the terms of a web hosting renewal. After the original terms of the first contract expired, the New Myth website closed.
In May, 2004, David K. Montoya returned as Chairperson of the company. His first official act was to change the name to ‘World of the Dark Myth’ and launched the new website that followed in the tradition of New Myth. During this time, Montoya temporarily stepped in as the sixth Editor in Chief. Two months later a new EiC was found, and the two began to re-map the design concept, as well as the original outlook, and started to make changes behind the scenes.
On July 4, 2004, Montoya announced that he would no longer produce comics and placed the site on a two month hiatus. On September 6th, Montoya unveiled his ‘World of Myth,’ a new direction for the company, under the guidance of Terry D. Scheerer, the seventh Editor in Chief. Chief Scheerer was directly involved with the revision of ‘The World of Dark Myth.’ During his term, he earned the reputation as the EiC who made the ‘Myth’ professional. He has personally overseen dozens of submissions for the site and has worked alongside President and Chairman, David K. Montoya, on up and coming projects, as well as the launch of a new website, TheWorldofMyth.com.
In July 2007, Terry decided to step down after more than three years as EiC, in part due to health issues. Terry publicly announced his decision in the August 2007 issue of TWoM. Steve Bolin, a published author and prize winning poet, accepted the open position on July 30, 2007 and became the eighth Editor in Chief for The World of Myth.