Kevin Patrick Smith (born August 2, 1970) is an American screenwriter, film director, and the founder of View Askew Productions. He is also known as a comic book writer and actor. Smith's films are often set in his home state of New Jersey and are filled with pop culture references, particularly to comic books and the Star Wars movies. Many of Kevin's films take place in the "View Askewniverse" and feature appearances from smalltime, play-marijuana-dealers, Jay and Silent Bob, the latter portrayed by Smith himself. He is often criticized for crude humor and technical amateurishness (which Smith himself frequently makes fun of at Q&As). His films are also known for their distinctive vision, dialogue, and characters.
A lifelong comic book fan, Kevin Smith began a lengthy association with Marvel Comics in 1999, with Smith taking over as the writer of the Marvel Comic "Daredevil." His run, which lasted eight issues, was plagued by delays and controversies, as Smith killed off longtime Spider-Man villain, Mysterio, and Daredevil supporting cast member/love interest, Karen Paige, who in a bit of allegedly misogynistic writing, was tricked into thinking that she had AIDS at the start of Smith's run as writer. He would go on to also write for DC Comics, producing a 14 issue run on Green Arrow that saw the return of Ollie Queen from the dead and the introduction of a new female "Speedy" character. Unlike his Daredevil run, Smith's Green Arrow comics were a huge critical success inside the comic community.
In 2005, after his run in comics, Smith opted for a return to the film that started it all, and began work on a sequel to Clerks.
Clerks II (2006)
Clerks: The Lost Scene (2004) (V)
Jersey Girl (2004)
The Flying Car (2002) (TV)
The Concert for New York City (2001) (TV) (segment "Why I Love New #*$%!&@ York")
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (2001)
Dogma (1999)
Chasing Amy (1997)
Mallrats (1995)
Clerks. (1994)
... aka Clerks X: Tenth Anniversary Edition (USA: DVD title)
... aka cLeRKs (USA: poster title)
Mae Day: The Crumbling of a Documentary (1992)
You can find out more about Kevin Smith and his work, on the web site
devoted to his books and movies, Check them out!