“Of all people,” she continued, “you should’ve known better. You’ve seen bad things happen to adulterers. Certainly you haven’t forgotten the owner of Pure Sound Audio Systems – Henry what’s-his-name? Remember the girl he was caught with? Both of their funerals were held in your mortuary not more than six months ago.”
How could Dan forget that? Both Henry and the woman, Joanie, were found dead at Henry’s mansion estate. The two illicit lovers had been brutally murdered by an angry, jealous husband.
So, what was Janice’s point? That bad things happen to spouses who cheat? For God’s sake, he was innocent! He had to make her listen. That he was talking to her at all made him wonder about something. How did she communicate while he was buried six feet underground?
When he asked about it, she hesitated. “I – um – I wired a two-way speaker into the casket. Now quit changing the subject. We were talking about your sin. Let’s get back to that.”
Looking for the speaker and wiring, Dan moved his right hand along the top corner of the coffin, where the wooden lid and sides met. As Janice continued talking, he noticed something strange.
“You know,” Janice said, “In the Bible, people were stoned for committing adultery. I think this is much better than stoning. Don’t you agree?”
There was no doubt about it now. Maybe Dan wasn’t as insane as he thought. With his fingers pressed along the wooden corners of the casket, he clearly felt a vibrating resonance in the polished wood panel.
The resonance exactly synchronized with the intonation of Janice’s voice.
The truth of his situation unfolded as he made additional connections. After all this time supposedly underground, he still breathed normally – well, as normally as anyone could in the filth and stench of the coffin.
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