Several hours of quiet contemplation on the roof passed without incident. Quite suddenly and for no apparent reason, Harry felt the urge to climb up on the short ledge. It was a splendid idea. He enjoyed the feeling of freedom and the lack of constraint being where he was. One thing led to another, however, and a passerby at street level noticed Harry on the edge and called 911. Five minutes later, a crowd had gathered and the fire department arrived. Harry casually observed the fireman as they disembarked. The tiny figures below methodically sat about doing what they do when someone is about to jump off a building.
Now, this is strange, thought Harry. I have no intention of killing myself. Why do these people think I want to go 'splat' down there on the pavement? He speculated that one of the passersby recognized his lefthandedness, and assumed the worstcase scenario.
"Okay, buddy. Relax. Calm down, now. Okay?"
It took him a moment to realize the police officer at the roof door, one of New York's finest, was speaking to himHarry. At first, the remarks were puzzling to Harry since he felt totally calm and relaxed. In fact, he felt slightly elated.
Down below, the crowd had grown to nearly 50 people. It was a diverse crowdblacks, Latinos, whites, men, and women. There were young people, old people, people with two arms and two legs, people with only one arm and two legs, people with perfect vision, and people with two broken eyes. But Harry sensed one trait they all had in common: they possessed righthandedness. Harry felt no kinship with any of the individuals on the sidewalk below.
With a sigh of exasperation, Harry stepped off the ledge and disappeared from the view of the horrified policeman.
Below, fifty or so people of righthandedness saw the manbird flap his arms in a relaxed fashion and fly through the air.
As he circled the building for the second time, Harry wondered what the weather was like in Maryland. Accompanied by a curious sea gull he headed south for Maryland's Outer Shore.
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